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  • Kilometres Of Pipe
    Massive Job over the past few days, Seven Trailer loads of pipe for an Avocado Orchard, with a total of 30 kilometres of pipe plus the mainline etc
  • Relocation of Domestic Pump
    When This customer had the house pump originally installed you had to crawl 10 meters under the house to reach the pump, when her pump required replacing we relocated the pump for easy access.
  • Total Rebuild
    This customer heard the pump grinding away so he called us straight away.

    We completely rebuilt the gearbox and pump area and when we called a few days later his comment was it was like new
  • Time for the Heavy Machinery
    Customer required 200 meters of mainline trenched in, We had to fight our way through tree roots, rocks and even under fences and concrete footpaths and driveways.

    Just a couple of hours work
  • Latest House pump Install
    Smart water & Irrigation sized and relocated this customers house pump to the inside of the garage